Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Shorts Hanger DIY

If you browse Pinterest often then this idea is not new to you, but for those of you who haven't seen the infamous "shorts hanger DIY", here ya go. Storing shorts isn't that difficult for most people, but if you live in a small apartment or house like me then it can be quite a difficult feat. Typical storage options include dressers, drawers, clothes hangers etc. What if I told you that the only thing you need to accessibly hang up shorts is an item found in the bathroom section of Wal-Mart? And even better that what you need can be purchased for under one dollar. Yeah, you read that right, less than $1.00.

Well, you know that little bar under the main clothing bar in most closets? I never found a use for it until now. To start with, go to Wal-Mart and purchase a 12 pack of cheap shower curtain rings, like below (only 98 cents). Next, open one up & slide the loops of your shorts around the ring, hang up, AND THAT'S IT.

Simple enough, huh?

Check out my pictures below to get a better idea!

Grab this pack of shower curtain rings for only 98 cents.
Which bar you ask? The smaller one under the main bar.
Tip: Fold the shorts with the zipper in the back, grab the two side loops, and place around the shower curtain ring.

Do you think you might try this idea in your closet? Comment below!

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